POSTED Mar 07, 2022 - 08:19 AM
Hunger and Food Waste in the Philippines
How food is both lacking and being wasted and how SMEs can help combat both
Hunger and Food Waste in the Philippines
The Philippines received a Global Hunger Index of 20.2 in its latest evaluation. Although it has been decreasing over the years, the value falls within the 'serious' category. Also, for 2018, compared to its neighboring countries, it can be found in the upper half.
*The index score comprises of four key hunger indicators: prevalence of undernourishment; childhood wasting; childhood stunting; and child mortality. It's measured on a 100-point scale where 0 is the best score (no hunger) and 100 the worst.
A large share of the population has severe food insecurity

**Out of all our neighboring countries, the Philippines has the highest % of the total population experiencing severe food insecurity.
*Severe food insecurity is more strongly related to insufficient quantity of food (energy) and therefore strongly related to undernourishment or hunger.
**Data was not available for other Southeast Asian countries
Amount of Food Wasted by an Average Filipino

kilograms of food is wasted by an average Filipino every year.
Despite hunger being present in the country, food is still being put to waste.
More than 35% of food waste comes not from households, but from the food service and retail sector.

How can SMEs help combat the issue of Food Waste?

A multi-sectoral initiative which aims to eradicate hunger and malnutrition in the country by 2030 mainly in their Mission 4: Repurposing Food Surplus. The sometimes-unavoidable presence of food waste that comes from food manufacturers, restaurants, etc. can be donated and eventually allocated for those in need.

Encourage SSX SME partners to participate in the best practices of the Sustainable Diner, an initiative by the World Wide Fund that promotes sustainable dining of consumers. Some of these practices include:
1. Cooking dishes made of ingredients that are in season
2. Trying out plant-based dishes
3. Segregating waste properly
Head to
1. Despite the prevalence of hunger and food insecurity, food continues to be wasted. More than 35% comes from the food service and retail sector.

2. There are existing initiatives that aim to reduce both food waste and hunger, which SMEs can participate.

Global Hunger Index, Food Insecurity Our World in Data
Food Waste Index Report 2021 UNEP
Pilipinas Kontra Gutom
The Sustainable Diner
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Special thanks to Jonas Marie Dumdum
Visualization Mago Analytics
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